Illustrations for variable children's books series called My Firsts Experiences. The books were variable which means they featured a specific child's name throughout the story and the main character illustration was created to emulate that child's appearance based on a questionnaire the purchaser filled out online. As the illustrator it was my job to illustrate the main characters in layers to allow for gender, hair colour, hair style and skin colour, as well as, add spaces for personal info such as school names, street addresses, etc. Unfortunately, the series was not completed due to cutbacks and layoffs the publishing company underwent during the market crash of 2007-ish. But I was able to create the covers and character concepts for the books, which was a lot of fun. Initially, I was going to create the characters in a present day style c/o the rug rats. But after giving it some thought and doing some research and seeing the amount of first experiences series that are out there, I realized I wanted to do something different and really make this series stand out. So I decided this series of books should take place in the future and I built a world reminscent of one of my favourite TV shows as a child The Jetsons. I love how this series turned out and the illustrations were a joy to create.